Friday, November 13, 2009

Why I Love Blogging...

It's been awhile since I last updated my blog. Got busy in my real world job. Blogging is one of my favorite past time. I like writing. I'm not good at it though, but I still love writing.

Blogging is my outlet of emotions. I write when I'm sad, I write when I'm mad, I write when I'm happy....and so on and so forth. ;) I am able to express what I feel in words which I am not able to express much in the real world. Maybe that is why I like blogging. Because in blogging I can say anything I want, express everything I feel, without hurting anybody directly and then feel much better after awhile.

This blog though is not my personal blog. I have another account for that which I already left because friends already knew it was me. I like to keep my identity secret as this is the only way that I can be me in my own way...away from criticisms..away from expectations...away from the world that I live in. I just want my own space in this blogosphere where I can express myself without thinking of what other people might think of how I write, what I write and why I write.

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